Ensuring adequate security on school premises has become the bedrock of developing trust between institutions, parents, staff and students.
There are so many incidents that can happen and are capable of undermining and derailing your efforts of providing world class service. These can be the difference between your institution being recognised as a hub of excellence, or adversely, an unsavoury experience for your clients.
One such incident that comes to mind is how students, being of mischievous nature, are capable of running away from school, or ‘bunking.’ So many students are prone to peer pressure which in turn can provide a dangerous trajectory in as much as their education is concerned.
If a student goes missing, the possibilities are endless: consider the drug epidemic that has taken the country by storm; consider that there are robbers capable of theft, or even rape. Some children are abducted with the sole intention of exploiting them on the illegal organ market.
However, with sound School Management Systems, your institution can drastically decrease the possibilities of any of the above happening.
With perimeter controls and other instruments such as facial recognition, you can easily detect how many people enter for example a soccer field, and be able to notice when one is missing. Immediately, working in unison with a professional in a control room as well as security guards, it makes it easy to identify the missing child/person and then retrieve them before they stray away too far.

But there are other solutions that can be deployed. You find some institutions make use of time and attendance of staff and students. This can also help in regulating students who have not paid full tuition as their access to certain facilities can be regulated in accordance to the money they have paid. These facilities include library’s, gym, swimming pool, to name a few. This can be done using biometrics with students fingerprints registered on the system.
Moreover, some systems record entry and exit in potentially hazardous areas such as the workout gym or swimming pool. Unassisted students may easily hurt themselves with weights or venture toward the deep end of the pool and then drown. To avoid this, personnel is always deployed at the control room, and these personnel are more than equipped to deal with situations that result in a student potentially drowning. As the owner, you will be able to monitor your CCTV footage, for example when there is an outdoor/indoor detection that sends alerts to your phone or device. These can utilise solar power as back up while there are also wireless solutions to make sure the facilities are neat.
It is important to note that an efficient school management system should not only look at the students, but whoever is coming into the school in the form of teachers, visitors and so on. Other management systems that are used are libarary management systesm, that ensure that books are not stolen, and also send alerts to students to return books before they are due.
JEDZ Senior Technician Bruce Kingsley advises that school management systems are key in integrating aspects of new technology and streamlining them with existing features at the schools.
“Smart features enable you to be able to track on-going events in real time. We can connect these systems to your phones or any of your devices, and as long as you have your internet connection, you will get notifications.”
He added that unique features such as facial recognition as well as other features capable of capturing vehicle registration numbers could prove to be key in apprehending criminals and other unwanted personnel and removing them from the premises swiftly.
He concludes by saying that if you just manage to get the equipment without an internet connection, you are still able to monitor your premises on-site, although he recommended that in order to enjoy the full experience of the solution, it would be favourable to use it with an internet connection.
Ultimately, the pro’s outweigh the cons when it comes to obtaining world-class school management solutions.
For the most secure, reliable and up-to-date solutions, contact us at Fuzzy Solutions and experience 24-hour support from our team of dedicated technicians, security guards and security systems.